Monday, October 7, 2019

George Conway: DJT as a Mental Health Issue

Impeachment Installment #5: This article by lawyer George T. III provides an excellent brief arguing the premise that DJT has shown himself unfit for office because of his mental condition. Of course, Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Schiff may cringe when reading this, not because they disagree with the premises or conclusions offered in the article, but because it doesn't fit with the pointed effort to pursue impeachment based on the abuse of power displayed in the effort to bribe Ukraine and to cajole other nations into helping DJT's re-election campaign. But DJT's extreme aberrant behavior isn't something that we can continue to sweep under the rug. He's not the daft, cranky old uncle you have to invite over for Thanksgiving dinner and whose behavior you have to tolerate for a few hours. This is the President of the United States of America, whose decisions are often those of life and death. And, IMHO, DJT is utterly unredeemable. In my experience as an attorney who represented clients charged with crimes, neglect or abuse of children, and involuntarily confined for mental health treatment, so cases can be truly intractable. This 73-year old man of dubious physical health and with such longstanding and patent mental health issues (not to mention lack of basic moral conduct) isn't going to change. We need to face the truth of what we have on our hands.
Donald Trump’s narcissism makes it impossible for him to carry out the duties of the presidency in the way the Constitution requires.

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