Saturday, February 22, 2020

Russia Supports Trump: The News That's Not New & Going Deeper

A wonderfully blunt news article from a mainstream media outlet (The Washington Post). Why does Putin favor Trump? The article provides some ready answers. If you want a deeper dive, read Timothy Snyder's The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America (2018) (my review:…/the-road-to-unfreedom-ru…) & Gary Lachman's Dark Star Rising: Magick & Power in the Age of Trump (2018) (my review:…/dark-star-rising-magick-…). Hold on a couple of months and you can dive even deeper into the enigma of Putin and Russian history and culture via Lachman's forthcoming The Return of Holy Russia: Apocalyptic History, Mystical Awakening, and the Struggle for the Soul of the World (release coming 5 May 2020). 

In short, there's a hell of a story here (the play on words intended). We can see the tip of the iceberg quite clearly, clearly enough to turn away, but will we? With deep background from the likes of Snyder & Lachman, and reporting like that of the article below, a true captain would turn away, but we have a crazed Ahab at the helm. Heaven help us.

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