Thursday, September 9, 2021

Letter to President Biden: Carbon pricing is essential in the budget reconciliation package.

My email to President Biden sent today. Feel free to join me and Citizens Climate Lobby in this effort. Copy & paste freely! 

Subject: Carbon pricing is essential in the budget reconciliation package.

Dear President Biden:

Thank you for all of your hard work as president. I know that we're coming to another key juncture with the budget reconciliation bill. One key provision that I urge you to promote, or better yet, insist be included in the measure, is a carbon price and dividend provision with border adjustments. We need to address climate change NOW (as you've said), and a price on carbon is probably the most inclusive and efficient way to reduce our carbon consumption. The "dividend" portion of the scheme is the other key component of this scheme. The dividend will prevent lower and middle-income Americans from bearing too heavy a load in making the necessary adjustments. And, a border adjustment for carbon pricing (such as the EU is adopting) will keep American businesses on a level (if not advantageous) playing field. Now is the time, Mr. President, to get this done. We're running out of time. Please give this your all so that we can make real progress.

Thank you for your consideration, and thank you for your efforts addressing this greatest of challenges.


Steve Greenleaf
1115 N. Arcadia
Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2638


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